Last Trip with Tanya
Marta has had some incredible experiences and a fantastic stay with Tanya. But all things must come to an end, well, almost everything... Still, even as the stay ending, both Marta and Tanya hope that their acquaintance will lead to something important for both of them and for others.
The final trip took them to Linz, the third-largest city in Austria. This trip wasn't for sightseeing; they went to work. Tanya studies there, at the prestigious "University of Arts," and she also has a job at a small studio.
As usual, a visit to a statue was inevitable, the most famous one in the city, of course. It stands in the town square and is called the Trinity Column. Erected in the 1700s as an expression of gratitude for the eradication of a plague. This was a common practice back then.
Such monuments are often made to honor something or someone, symbolized through statues.
And - as you know - Tanya's sculptures of the cats in Odessa are also a tribute. They are meant to remind people of the significance these cats had and still have for the community and how they connected people and animals.
Just like many other sculptures Marta and Tanya have encountered, like the rabbits in Vienna, the doves on the Mozart statue, the glass mice in Venice, and the lions in Budapest, they all signify the importance of the bond between people and animals.
Dogs and cats are overwhelmingly the most popular pets in the world. In Tanya's homeland, Ukraine, pets are considered part of the family, even more than usual. And in the cities, they are not called "stray cats" but city cats, who live and work alongside people.
These are the cats that July visits and writes about in "Odessa Cats" (see here).
Tanya has given these significant cats eternal life by creating 15 sculptures. Each one honors the impact they have had on people. The joy is mutual; people decorate the sculptures, make clothes for them in winter, and give them other gifts like floral decorations in summer. On holidays, they receive special attention, just like the rest of the community.
But now Marta and Tanya are in Linz, and after visiting the Trinity Column, they head to Tanya's studio. It's time to create some art, not just look at it.
Tanya is thoughtful. In 2021, it was decided that she would make a sculpture in Odessa, a group of 4 cats, with one being the leader. They had their place in Odessa, were beloved by the people, and deserved a sculpture. Then Tanya had to flee to Vienna.
The plan was for her to resume work there and create sculptures of all 4 cats. She started when she arrived in Vienna, but progress has been slow, terribly slow. Being so far from Odessa, the longing destroyed her inspiration, and it became difficult.
When the opportunity for a studio in Linz arose, she brought the project there, but there has been no progress either.
She wanted to show this to Marta!
Maybe it would provide inspiration and the desire to work more on the sculpture. Maybe Marta's friends could help.
Tanya has a lot of drive, but sometimes everyone needs a little push. Perhaps Marta's friends can give her that extra boost she needs.
Since Marta has had great joys with Tanya, it would be a good way to show her gratitude.
And, being creative as they both are, the idea emerged!
In many places, almost everywhere, there has been or is a cat that means something special to many. There are surely many stories out there in the big world. A cat people have noticed, admired, lived in a special place, maybe without a home of its own but still had a place to stay. As July describes in "Odessa Cats," cats that "work" in stores, hospitals, parks, on the beach, or anywhere else. And all of these also have a nickname, perhaps after the job they do or the place they live.
And maybe next year Marta Mus can visit all these places, no matter where in the world they are.
This is the dream of Marta Mus and Tanya.
If they succeed, it will help Tanya with inspiration, but it will also create some good stories about the importance of cats in society.
The idea has been discussed with both Jesperpus and Kasper back in Tigerskogen, and they also think it's a brilliant idea. But then comes the task of finding these significant cats.
Here, we need help!!
Stories about cats that have made an impact in their local community, in the city or the countryside. Can we find them? Anytime, anywhere in the world.
For this, we have created a registration form that you can find here:
We don't need much information now, just a bit of text and preferably a picture too.
And Marta will be very happy because it would be the best gift she could give Tanya as thanks for some wonderful days together.
And Marta has one more request, she would be very grateful if you share this with all your friends.
If desired, Marta will come to visit to thank you for helping to spread the word.
No matter where you live in the world 😀
Best regards from Marta Mus and Tanya.