My host no. 4
After my last visit, I continued my journey to the cats in Fur Paradise, right in the middle of the field in Brumunddal. Here you can see the whole area!
And the cats have everything they need and more, their own room and a cat corner in the living room.
There's a small outdoor area where the cats can go out when Skybert is awake, and they use the large courtyard mostly when Solfrid is up and shining! But like other places, the cats prefer summer the most.
Fluff, Doit, Potemor, Tinija, and Iggy live here! Fluff and Iggy haven't had it very easy, to be honest, and were adults when they came to the farm. They had been outside a lot and had frostbite on their ears. Fluff was shaved and had several scars on his body, was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis, and his body is not in great shape. But with training and a cat chiropractor, life is a breeze.
Fluff and Iggy are brothers and have the same white patch on their chest. Fluff has long hair, and Iggy has short hair and is 5.5 years old.
Then there's Doit. He is 4.5 years old. He came to the farm as a little kitten and has been here the longest of all four! He's a barn-born cat. He lived with the neighbor for a while before moving up to his food mother's house and has had a great life ever since.
Potemor is 1.5 years old. She knocked on the window on a cold autumn night and wanted to live here. The food mother had to open the cat yard to catch her because she was anxious and scared.
In December, Tinija arrived. She's still just a baby kitten, but she's become a smart and tough teenage cat in this cat house.
I have participated in many different activities with the cats, ranging from piano concerts, strength training, trick fun, and more - simply no retirement home for mice or cats.
Many thanks to all the cats in Fur Paradise for letting me get to know you and stay here for a few days. Now my suitcase is packed with new fun memories, and I have moved on by train to Nussi and Simba down in Dala.
See you soon!